Empower Yourself With Hypnotherapy
Do any of the following affect your enjoyment, disrupt your life or interfere with your aspirations?
Stress | Anxiety | Self Esteem & Confidence | Sleep Problems | Weight Loss or Eating Disorders | Pain Management | Smoking | Internal conflicts | Fears & Phobias | Self Limiting Beliefs
If you answered yes then it's time for change and Hypnotherapy could help you realise your true potential.
Hypnotherapy is evidence based and scientifically studied. Neuroscience explains the functionality of the brain and its influence on the mind. Brain activity during hypnosis supports the definition of hypnosis as a state of attentional absorption that can spark creativity and insight.

Stress Management
Do you find yourself struggling with the demands of everyday life? Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to manage everything required of you?
Stress is an external response to external triggers, which can often be identified. Stress is perfectly natural and sometimes necessary, but what causes stress, and how we manage it, is very individual. The body’s natural fight and flight response is designed to warn and protect us against danger. However, the world we have created means we face fewer real dangers, and the fight of flight response restricts our ability to maintain calm and logical.
Mastering your own calm and upgrading your internal beliefs can help you control the stress triggers and responses. Experiencing and practicing relaxation is a simple yet extremally powerful tool that is absent from so many of our lives due to the pace and pressures we have created.
For some, learning how and when to deploy coping mechanisms, although not a cure, is enough. For others, further insight into their relationship with stress and the origin of their learned behaviour may be necessary.

Anxiety is an internal response to fear however you may not be able to recognise the trigger. That is because our minds seek to make known associations to all new experiences and this can result in a danger warning and fear response being triggered in a bid to protect you and to deploy a learnt behaviour that may be disproportional and unhelpful.
Do you feel uneasy, on edge, and fearful? Do you suffer with social anxiety, generalised anxiety, panic attacks, or performance anxiety which may include exams, public speaking, and driving anxiety?
Anxiety can trigger unwanted behaviours such as avoidance, stress, self-limiting and sabotaging thought processes. Severe anxiety can become debilitating as the mind continues to make associations and creates more negative scenarios.
Using hypnotherapy, we can look at coping mechanisms to master your own calm, self-esteem and ego boosting techniques to increase your confidence, investigate origins and associations and upgrade negative thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviours to achieve positive change.

Confidence & Self Esteem
Self-esteem issues are something that many people face at some point in their lives. If you lack confidence, motivation, or are just feeling low, upgrading your internal beliefs may be the answer and the extra push you need.
The negative thought patterns and criticisms we have and say to ourselves can be some of the hardest habits to break. You may have spent years testing them and proving them to yourself through self-fulfilling prophecies. You may have done this so well that they have become your reason, your excuse, your bad luck.
The positive news is that your subconscious is in fact very suggestible, however it is your critical conscious mind that is stopping new positive thought patterns, behaviours, and beliefs to be accepted. In Hypnosis we can slow down the brain waves and distract your critical mind thus allowing your subconscious to accept positive suggestions more readily for positive change.

Weight Management
Help with mindful eating, portion control, help with those urges and food binges and more motivation to exercise, to stay healthy and fit.
The reasons why we eat, when we eat and what we eat can be complex and driven by emotions. These may lie in your subconscious and upgrading or altering your beliefs can change your behaviours and deliver success.
With hypnosis I promote a healthy lifestyle with self-care and realistic weight loss. There are many reasons why diets can fail and many of these are psychological. With hypnosis we combine weight management techniques with self-esteem and ego boosting techniques to increase your sense of well-being, increase your confidence, thus increasing and maintaining your motivation for a healthier lifestyle.

Whatever you want to tackle, fear of flying, spiders, a visit to the dentist or claustrophobia there are many things we fear, and these are learned responses. It is said that we are born with two instinctual fears, and they are of loud noises and falling. All other fears are learned. We may not know the root cause of our fear, however hypnosis can help reprogram those subconscious patterns, beliefs, and behaviours through various techniques.
I would initially assess your phobia and your understanding of your phobia. I will then be able to discuss suitable techniques for you. Freeing yourself from a phobia can open new opportunities for you and your life.

Stop Smoking
Ready to stop smoking without gaining weight? Whether you are a chronic smoker, social smoker, or a cannabis smoker, will power sometimes fails you but you have not failed. The subconscious and conscious are in conflict and the creative, non-logical and emotional subconscious wins.
Remember many smokers had to put some conscious and non-enjoyable effort in to becoming a smoker and there are several beliefs, behaviours, and concerns that play a role.
Your smoking habits, routine, relationship, and motivations are unique to you, and these will all form part of your session to reprogram the subconscious and upgrade those beliefs and behaviours that are sabotaging you from becoming a non-smoker.
“Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need. To talk about how you’re feeling. To have the hard conversations.”